Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Consider this ...

We all hear the argument that it is expensive to be healthy.  I call shenanigans on that statement.  I feel like the people who say this, use it as a cop out so that they can continue their unhealthy lifestyle.  With that, I'd like to direct you all toward this article:

and this one

It's little changes we can implement over time, you guys.  If you've never really exercised, get out ... walk 30 minutes a day 3 times a week.  drink water, or unsweetened tea instead of soda.  Switch from white to wheat bread.  It is NOT hard to be healthy!!  Granted, if you've not lived a particularly healthy lifestyle up to this point, it's going to take some getting used to.  It is not impossible, though.  Not by any stretch of the imagination. 

consider this post I just read from a friend of mine who is an FNP:

"I had a patient in November who I diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. He was very angry hearing this diagnosis. When I discussed healthy food choices, eating smaller portions, & exercise he started screaming at me & telling me he already does those things. I started him on meds, and he missed a couple follow up appointments. Just when I had started to give up on him, he came back last week, lost 11 #s, blood sugars went from 200s to low 100s. He said he's been exercising & eating better. He says he feels better than he has in years. These are the people who make my job rewarding! I've said it before, and I'll say it again...diabetes (type 2) is a disease of lifestyle & choices! What choices are you making?"

Anyone can do it!  You just have to want it.  Now, what would you rather spend your money on?  Costly medical procedures and medications for things you could prevent, or something enjoyable like a family vacation, or a new T.V or SOMEthing that you actually want to own??  Put it in savings, and watch it grow!  

You don't have to be chained to your medications, you know.  You are in total control of your life.  Genetics isn't a crutch for your unhealthy habits, it should be motivation to be that much more diligent in your life choices.

A quote from Wendell Berry to ponder:  "People are fed by the food industry, which pays no attention to health, and are treated by the health industry, which pays no attention to food."

The ball is always in your court.  What are you going to do?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Feel the burn

My wonderful guy got me a heart rate monitor for Christmas.  I love it!  I feel like I have a better idea as to how effective my workouts truly are.    I decided to test it on Insanity, since I'm going through the program right now.  I hadn't done it in a few days - holidays, my guy being in town, my whole routine shifted.  I figured I'd wait.

Tonight was the night - I busted out the Cardio Power and Resistance video, donned my heart rate monitor and got to work.  I took it sort of easy tonight, since I hadn't done it in a few days, and wanted to ease back in.  That being said, even with taking it easy, I still burned 765 calories.  765 DUDES!!  Imagine if I pushed harder!  Psshhhhh.  I mean this program is amazing, I already knew that, but I didn't think I was burning that many calories in the 30-40 minute workouts.  I assumed somewhere closer to 400.  I'm certainly impressed.

Like I'd said before, I feel my strength as well as stamina building with these workouts.  A prime example would be New Year's Eve day.  My guy and I decided to hike into the canyon a little ways.  He had never been to the Grand Canyon, so a hike was definitely in order.  We did a 5 mile round trip hike down the Hermit trail, which is pretty steep most of the way down/up.  I hiked it with no problems.  I was barely getting winded!  No stops necessary for me for the entire 2.5 mile trek back out - though I did stop for my partner, since he's not used to this elevation :) Last year when I hiked this same trail, I had to stop a multitude of times on my way back out.  My increase in strength training - weights, running, Insanity, have all contributed to this boost.  I couldn't be happier.

Now, to keep that momentum going!  I've been rather lax lately, and I really need to change that.